Advanced Psychoanalytic Theories                                     Susan M. Fisher, MD

University of Chicago HUDV 32800 &                                 Winter 2006

28000; MAPSS 38600; GSHum 37000


This seminar focuses on present psychoanalytic theories and their relationship to one another. Central to our inquiry is the dynamic unconscious of Freud and the ways in which it has been elaborated, modified, or diminished in the views of Fairbairn, Klein, Winnicott, Kohut, Gedo, and Modell. In addition, we will examine the nature, conceptualizations and uses of transference and countertransference and we will look at some aspects of female development and feminism in psychoanalytic theory.


Week 1:           Introduction and Freud Review


Kohut, Heinz and Seitz, P. F. D. (1965) Concepts and Theories of Psychoanalysis. In: J. M. Wepman and R. W. Heine, eds. Concepts of the Personality. Chicago: Aldine. Pp: 113-141.


Week 2:           Continue Freud Review. The Ideas of Melanie Klein


Mitchell, Juliet (ed.) The Selected Melanie Klein. (1986) New York: The Free Press. Pp: 9-32, 68-83, 211-229.


Week 3:           The Work of Donald Winnicott


Modell, Arnold H. (1985) The works of Winnicott and the evolution of his thought. J. American Psychoanalytic Association, 33 (supp): 113-137.

Winnicott, Donald W. (1953) Transitional objects and transitional phenomena. Int. J. Psycho-analysis, 34 (part 2): 1-25.

Winnicott, Donald W. (1949) The use of an object. Int. J. Psycho-analysis, 50: 711-716.


Week 4:           Object Relations Theory: W. R. Fairbairn


Fairbain, W. R. (1952) Psychoanalytic Study of the Personality. London: Tavistock. Chaps: 5, 6, 7

Bacal, H. A. (1987) British object-relations theorists and self-psychology: some critical reflections. Int. J. Psycho-analysis, 68: 81-91.


Week 5:           Narcissism


Freud, Sigmund. (1914[1957]) On narcissism. SE XIV. London: Hogarth Press. Pp: 73-102.

Kohut, Heinz. (1972) Thoughts on narcissism and narcissistic rage. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 27: 360-400.


Week 6:           Analytic Clinical Issues and the Work of Arnold Modell

Kohut, Heinz. (1972) Thoughts on narcissism and narcissistic rage. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 27: 360-400.

De Jonghe, F., Rijnierse, P., and Janssen, R. (1991) Aspects of the analytic relationship. Int. J. Psycho-analysis. 72: 693-707.

Modell, Arnold H. (1990) Transference and levels of reality. In: Other Times, Other Realities: Toward a theory of psychoanalytic treatment. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Chap. 3.

Modell, Arnold H. (1984) On having the right to a life. In: Psychoanalysis in a New Context. New York: Int. University Press. Chap 4. Originally published (1965) International Journal of Psycho-analysis, 46: 323-331.

Modell, Arnold H. (1993) The Private Self. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Chap. 1.


Week 7:           The Work of John Gedo.

                        Continue Modell


Week 8:           Counter-Transference




Week 9:           Focus on the Feminine


Horney, Karen. (1935) The problem of feminine masochism. Psychoanalytic Review, 22: 241-257.

Schafer, Roy. (1974) Problems in FreudŐs psychology of women. J. American Psychoanalytic Association, 22: 459-485.

Irigaray, Luce. (1985) This Sex Which is Not One. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. Pp: 34-67.


Week 10:         How Does Psychoanalysis Work


Freud, Sigmund. (1914[1958]) Remembering, repeating, and working through. SE XII. London: Hogarth Press. Pp: 145-156.

Freud, Sigmund. (1937{1964]) Analysis terminable and interminable. SE XXIII. London: Hogarth Press. Pp: 211-253.

Valenstein, A. F. (1973) On attachment to painful feelings and the negative therapeutic reaction. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 28: 365-392.

Gedo, John E. (1999) A history of theoretical innovation. In: The Evolution of Psychoanalysis. New York: Other Press. Chap. 19.


Note: This syllabus is reconstructed. Some assignments are not included here.
This page created 22 October 2006. Last updated 22 October 2006.
Please email Cage Hall with any comments.