Clinical Matters
• Private patients: I do NOT currently see private patients. Ordinarily I am only able to see patients who already have a primary care provider/primary physician at UCLA.
•Insurance Matters: Californians can select UCLA Health as their healthcare provider through Anthem Blue Cross EPO (Pathway-Tiered). This includes the individual plans Bronze EPO, Silver EPO, Gold EPO and Platinum EPO. Individuals can call Anthem Blue Cross at (866) 773-0694 for more information about these plans.
UCLA Health has created a webpage with additional information and some guidance on signing up under CoveredCalifornia: uclahealth.org/coveredca. You can also speak with representatives at UCLA’s Physician Referral Service at (877) 825-2212.
• Scheduling: If you are a current or prospective patient with scheduling concerns, please contact the clinic where you see me. I am not able to reschedule you myself. Last-minute cancellations or rescheduling are subject to the cancellation policy of the clinic in question.
• Emergencies: In case of a medical or psychiatric emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. Email and voicemail communications may be delayed and are not advised for urgent or emergent matters.
• Routine messages & refills: For routine clinical matters (such as medication refills), please leave a voicemail on my office phone with your name, date of birth, the number of your pharmacy, and the medication in question: 310-794-8296.
Please be aware that Schedule II medications such as stimulants (Ritalin/Concerta/methylphenidate, Adderall, & Vyvanse) require a security prescription script and cannot be called in. You will need to pick up a hard-copy prescription at the clinic where I see you. I am not able to mail or fax these prescriptions. Please plan your refills accordingly.
• Voicemail: If you want me to call you back, please tell me whether I can leave a message on your voicemail.
• Urgent messages: For urgent matters that cannot wait until the next business day, please have me paged through the UCLA Page Operator: 310-825-6301.
• Coordination of care: If you are a current or former patient and you wish me to speak with your other healthcare providers, or you are a current provider for one of my patients and you wish to discuss coordination of care, please fax me a signed Authorization for Release of Information at 424-652-2213. Two versions are needed: one authorizing me to release information to your other providers, and one authorizing them to release information to me.
• UCLA Forms:
- Advance Directive
- Authorization for Release of Information
- Consent for psychotropic medications
- Email consent form
- Email policy
UCLA Health System
UCLA Health Information Management Services
10833 Le Conte Ave, CHS - Suite BH265 - 177620
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Fax: 310-825-3356
Phone Inquiries during business hours (M - F 8:00am-4:30pm): 310-825-6022
Voicemail after business hours & on weekends (4:30pm-8:00am): 310-825-6021
• Patient resources:
- NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness. Multiple resources for persons living with mental, emotional, or addictive illnesses and for their families and friends.
- APLA: AIDS Project Los Angeles. Among other things, support groups and opportunities for low-cost or free psychotherapy for persons living with HIV/AIDS.
- LAGLC: Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center. Free HIV testing, support groups, and other resources.
- Matrix Institue on Addictions. Evidence-based outpatient program for recovery from addiction.
- AA Los Angeles. Central office of Alcoholics Anonymous for Los Angeles. The original 12-step model. Free, anonymous, support groups for recovery from alcohol dependence.
- NA: Narcotics Anonymous for Southern California. Also Greater Los Angeles NA and Westside Los Angeles NA.
- SMART Recovery® is an alternative to 12-step recovery programs. It is completely secular; for that reason, it may be a useful option for persons who have not found a good fit with the spiritual element of 12-step programs. A list of SMART Recovery® meetings in the greater LA area is here
- UCLA Substance Abuse Pharmacotherapy Unit (UCLA SARx), has information on current research and opportunities for clinical trials relating to addiction.