Amphetamines & Cocaine
This page is currently under development. More content coming soon.
Meanwhile, please look at the general addiction resources.
Please note: Listings and descriptions on these pages are provided for educational & informational purposes only. Listing here is not intended as a specific recommendation for or against a particular treatment, provider, or program. Please consult with your physician and/or therapist about which one(s) may be best suited for your particular situation.
Further information on addiction to and recovery from cocaine and amphetamine-type stimulants can be found at the following
• National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) information on stimulant addiction
There are currently NO medications officially approved by the FDA for the treatment of dependence on cocaine, amphetamines & methamphetamines, or other stimulants. Clinical trials to test the efficacy & safety of several medications are in process. Speak with your doctor for more information on medications.
Support Groups
Cocaine Anonymous (CA) is a 12-step fellowship for recovery from cocaine in all its forms, including powder, freebased (“crack”), and IV cocaine. Persons in recovery from other addictions are welcome to attend. CA started in Los Angeles in 1982.
Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA) is a fellowship of men & women in recovery from crystal meth, based on the 12-step tradition. As with most AA-derived groups, the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using.
SMART Recovery® is an alternative to 12-step recovery programs. It uses techniques adapted from Motivational Interviewing and several types of cognitive-behavioral therapy, and is designed to change its techniques as further research-based evidence emerges on how best to help persons in recovery. It is completely secular; for that reason, it may be a useful option for persons who have not found a good fit with the spiritual element of 12-step programs. A list of SMART Recovery® meetings in the greater LA area is here