This page is currently under development. More content coming soon.
Meanwhile, please look at the general addiction resources.
Please note: Listings and descriptions on these pages are provided for educational & informational purposes only. Listing here is not intended as a specific recommendation for or against a particular treatment, provider, or program. Please consult with your physician and/or therapist about which one(s) may be best suited for your particular situation.
The US FDA has officially approved 3 medications to help people stop smoking.
• Nicotine replacement involves taking nicotine in the form of dissolvable lozenges, chewable gum, or transdermal patches that one applies to the skin. In order to qualify for coverage, many insurance plans require that patients be enrolled in some kind of smoking cessation program, such as the California Smokers Helpline at 800-NO-BUTTS (800-662-8887).
• Zyban® (bupropion) is an antidepressant (also marketed as Welbutrin®) that is approved to help reduce craving for cigarettes. It is a prescription medication that should only be used under the supervision of a physician.
• Chantix® (varenicline) is a prescription medication that is approved by the FDA to help people stop smoking. It can be effective but should only be used under the supervision of a physician. It is currently quite expensive. The manufacturer, Pfizer, has a patient assistance program.
There are a number of online smoking cessation resources. More coming soon.